During this show, you will discover...
Why business credit gives your company an edge against your competition
What business credit is, and how it can help your company grow while at the same time protecting your personal credit
How business credit protects you from personal liability, even if your business goes into receivership
Why business credit gives your company an edge against your competition
How establishing an early, excellent business credit history can help you in lean times or even make it possible for you to take advantage of opportunities when your competition just plain can not
How treating your business like a business aligns with how the IRS sees your company
How trade credit can help – and business credit can get you loans
Why building business credibility pays dividends when building business credit
How your EIN and D-U-N-S numbers help you build credit for your business
How building your business credit in the specified order makes the process go more smoothly and minimizes and can even eliminate setbacks
Why monitoring your business credit and disputing errors helps keep your scores up
How to qualify for revolving store credit, fleet credit, and cash credit
How unsecured business financing can be the best solution for your business