Joshua left his job as a banker for JP Morgan Chase to start a cleaning business in Michigan which he eventually grew and sold to a California based cleaning conglomerate in 2015. Now he is living in Costa Rica with his 4 kids and wife where he helps small business owners from all over the world understand the power of business systems and automation, and the freedom they can bring. Joshua is the founder of, an online training platform for small local service businesses as well as a follow up automation tool for busy professionals.
During this show we dive into…
How to be intentional with what you do in your business
How to focus on your personal “why”
Why your “why” is elastic and can and will change
How to set your heading towards specific goals
The differences between a brick and mortar business and an online business
How to be the “coach” in your business and not the “quarterback”
Why inspiring and mentoring your team is so important
The 3 main reasons that many small businesses struggle… and how to overcome them to succeed
Why systems are important and essential to your success
How to find out if your systems are moving you towards your “why”
The first step to start developing systems in a business
How important are systems and automation to the value and ability to sell a business
What business owners can do so they stop working in their business and start working on their business
What automate, grow, sell, is all about it and why you should be doing it
Why it is important for a business owner to have an exit plan
How important it is to set goals to runn a successful business
The three-part formula for success… what you want, by when, with what boundaries
How to be part of a boot camp that will teach you all of the systems principles you need to know
How to send awesome customized postcards to your clients for a “wow” factor